1) Robert Kocher Hightower - "Cthulhu
2) John Denley - "The Rules of Revamping
your Haunted Attraction"
3) Dave Keppel - "A Tale of a Mad Fantasist”
4) Chris Handa - "13 Things that a
Haunter Learned from Disney’s STAR
TOURS : The Adventure Continue”
5) Ricky Dick - "Creating your own
Halloween Pumpkin King"
6) Sonya Pritchard - "Fright Foods
: Chocolate Mice and Deviled Eggs"
7) Noah Wullkotte - " Frightful Fundamentals
: Part 3 "
8) Stephen Remley - "Counterfeit Money
Haunts Small Businesses, but you can protect
9) Lesley Bannatyne- "I Skull Halloween”
10) Robert Hightower - "Crossword #18"
11) Robert Hightower - "Word Search
Challenge – Cthulhu Remembered" |
1) Robert Kocher Hightower - "Changing
2) John Denley - "What Really Scares
3) Dick Van Dyke interview by Dan Farr -
"Dick Van Dyke’s Halloween House”
4) Crazy Bob Turner - "Haunters Emergency
Guide Book”
5) Stephen Remley, MBA - "Employee
Incentive Programs can help your business
6) Sonya Pritchard - "Fright Foods
: Snake Bites and Breadstick Bones"
7) Noah Wullkotte - " Frightful Fundamentals
: Part 2 "
8) Tom Schaeffer - "The Queue is the
9) Robert Kocher Hightower - "The Home
Haunter in all of us…"
10) John Denley - "Inside the World
of Extreme Mask Collecting"
11) Robert Kocher - "Crossword #17"
12) Robert Kocher - "Word Search Challenge
– Home Haunting" |
1) Robert Kocher - "During Weak Economic
Times, A Little Goes a Long Way…"
2) John Denley - "Weather or Not"
3) Rick Singleton interview by Tara Clapper
- "The Game Changer”
4) Patrick Nottingham - "A Green Halloween
– Making Papercrete Tombstones
5) China Horrell - "Latex 101 : Fix
it Yourself, The Right Way!"
6) Noah Wullkotte - "Frightful Fundamentals
: Part 1"
7) Chris Handa - "Queue Line Entertainment"
8) Paul Counelis - "The History of
the Midnight Spookshow"
9) Crazy Bob Turner - "The 4 R’s
of Management: Recruiting,Recognition,Rewarding
and Retaining Staff"
10) Stephen Remley - "How to Terminate
an Employee Legally"
11) Robert Kocher - "Crossword #16"
12) Robert Kocher - "Word Search Challenge
– Trick or Treat" |
1) Sir Mortimer Pritchett - "The Story
Behind the Rebirth of Fright Times”
2) Robert Kocher - "The ‘Fright
Times’ are a Changing…"
3) John Denley - "A Phoenix Rising:
It’s the Right Time for Fright Times
4) Ricky Dick - "Creating a Steampunk
5) Ricky Dick - "Retouching Your Outside
6) Fright Times Staff – “You
know You’re a Haunter When…”
7) Patrick Nottingham – “The
Five Elements of Doom: The Safety Mistakes
that Haunters Can
8) John Denley – “Customizing
your Haunted Event : Successful Haunters
Create a One-Of-A-Kind
9) Rick Davis & Joel Styer – “Knoebel’s
Haunted Mansion”
10) Stephen Remley - "Avoid a Nightmare
: Do Background Checks"
11) Robert Kocher - "Crossword #15"
12) Robert Kocher - "Word Search Challenge
– Ghost Writer"
1) Ricky Dick - "The Guiding Fright"
2) Rich Hanf - "Haunted House of Wax"
3) Larry Kirchner - "Screams for Thought"
4) David Gray - "New Products"
5) Dr. Lady - "At the Old Haunter's
6) John Denley - "Horror Master Rich
7) Dr. Lady - "Frightened Screech Memoirs"
8) John Denley - "The Experiment"
9) David Gray - "How Can We Manage?"
10) Skip Dylen - "Perspective"
11) Kevin McCurdy - "The Grisly Details"
1) Ricky Dick - "New Product Reviews"
2) John Denley - "Scare Tactics"
3) Phil Miller - "Low Tech Pulsating
Pneumatic System"
4) Jim Kelly - "I Wish I Had Your Job"
5) Rodney Geffert - "Increasing Attendance
and Only Spending a Dollar"
6) David Gray - "You Don't Scare Me."
7) John Denley - "Behind the Screams
with Cydney Neil"
8) Dr. Lady - "The Women of Haunting:
Karen Dick, Katie Corman, Laura Lady"
9) Richard Hanf - "No Pain No Gain"
10) Dr. Lady - "Howl Do You Do?"
1) Ricky Dick - "The Skeleton's Closet"
2) Rich Hanf - "An Interview with Kevin
3) Larry Kirchner - "Sound Track Reviews"
4) Larry Kirchner - "Top Ten Biggest
Events of the Century"
5) Rich Hanf - "How to Make-Up"
6) Rich Hanf - "How to Deal with Actors
- aka Adventures in Babysitting"
7) Rich Hanf - "How to Make a Zombie"
8) John Denley - "Don't Lose Heart"
9) John Denley - "Fright Awards 2000"
10) Dr. Lady - "Are you a Real Haunter?"
1) Ricky Dick - "The Skeleton's Closet"
2) John Denley - "The Dark Secrets
Behind Castle Blood"
3) John Denley - "It's in My Blood"
4) Ron Fitzgerald - "Magic Show for
your Haunted Attraction"
5) Jim Kadel - "Sparks in Arcs"
6) Rich Hanf - "Bad Boys, Bad Boys,
Watcha Gonna Do"
7) John Denley - "The Gore Man Cometh:
An Exclusive Look into The Macabre Mind
of John Burton"
8) Ricky Dick - "When Make Up is Not
the Answer"
9) Rich Hanf - "An Interview with Philip
10) Dr. Lady - "The Rules of Haunting
Part 347"
1) Ricky Dick - "The Skeleton's Closet"
2) John Denley - "Field of Screams:
Halloween's Ultimate Atmosfear"
3) David Gray - "Acting Scary?"
4) Randy Schadel - "How Do You Stack
5) David Gray - "Emergency Protocols"
6) Larry Kirchner - "Y2-KURSE"
7) Dennis Kingsolver - "When it Happens
It's Too Late"
8) John Denley - "Terror on the Auction
9) Henry Whitham - "The Careful Planning
of Your Animations"
10) Bill McCoy - "Make Up Techniques"
1) John Burton - "Unique, Undead, &
2) Rick Maue - "Haunted Magick"
3) Ricky Dick - "David and Laura Lady
Guide You through The Horror Hotel"
4) Kevin McCurdy - "The Art of the
5) Rich Hanf - "Know Your Market, Know
6) Phil Miller - "Tricycle Trauma"
7) Larry Kirchner - "Top Ten Do's and
8) Ricky Dick - "The Skeleton's Closet"
9) Dennis Kingsolver - "Knock It Off!"
1) Ricky Dick - "The Skeleton's Closet"
2) Dr. Lady - "A Haunting Look Ahead"
3) Larry Kirchner - "Universal Studios
and Reviews"
4) Rich Hanf - "One Year and Still
5) John Denley - "The Netherworld Haunted
6) Larry Kirchner - "Survey and Marketing
7) Jim Kelly - "Back to the Basics"
8) John Denley - "Nerd
or Future Haunter"
1) Rochelle Santopoalo - "First Global
Halloween Convention"
2) John Denley - "Fright Award Winners"
3) Dr. Lady - "How to Tell You're Not
Running a Good Haunted Attraction"
4) Rich Hanf - "Sticking it to Spookworld"
5) John Denley - "Breaking the Chain"
6) Dr. Lady - "I Thought We Were All
Friends Here"
7) Larry Kirchner - "Back From the
8) Randy Schadel - "Positive Reactions
to Negative Publicity"
9) John Denley - "Life Beyond Blood"
1) Keith Westerman - "Mind Your Business"
2) John Floyd - "VideoTaping: How and
3) Rich Hanf - "The Controversial Coroner"
4) Larry Kirchner - "The World in Fright
Part II"
5) John Denley - "Boris Karloff's Witch
6) Randy Schadel - "The Importance
of Educating the Media"
7) Rich Hanf - "An Interview with Angus
Scrimm aka The Tall Man"
8) Karen Dick - "Making Boots"
9) Ed Gannon - "Screams for Thought"
10) Dr. Lady - "Is Your First Impression
a Worst Impression?"
11) John Denley - "What's It Really
All About?"
1) Rich Hanf - "Cutting Our Own Throats"
2) Randy Scadel - "The Phantom Hospital:
Our Own Urban Myth"
3) John Denley - "The Man Behind Madison
Scare Garden: Lynton V. Harris"
4) Anthony Timpone - "Staking Out the
Haunted House Industry"
5) Dr. Lady - "Go Figure: Building
Full Body Monsters"
6) Ed Gannon - "Animal Actors"
7) Larry Kirchner - "Screams for Thought"
8) Denny Dham - "Simple Pop Up Scare
Timer, Sound and Animation"
9) Jeff Wehenkel - "What Are You Trying
To Do, Scare Me?"
10) John Denley - "This Year's Going
to Be Different"
1) Rich Hanf - "Grave Expectations"
2) Jamie Wrona - "Your Crew: The Key
to Success"
3) Ricky Dick - "Gravely's Special
4) Rich Hanf - "Interview with Gunner
5) John Denley - "Skull Kingdom: A
Haunted Family Attraction"
6) Marc Lougee - "Hay Ride FX"
7) Ricky Dick - "Host Characters"
8) Larry Kirchner - "Scare Tips and
9) Denny Dahm - "Crowd Control Stanchions"
10) John Denley - "Monstrous Beginnings"
1) John Anderson - "If It Can Go Wrong,
It Will"
2) Denny Dahm - "Dungeon Tech"
3) Jim Kelly - "Losing Air to Scare"
4) Rich Hanf - "Night of the Living
5) Joe Jenson - "Hades Haunts"
6) Ricky Dick - "The Skeleton's Closet"
7) Larry Kirchner - "The World in Fright"
9) Dr. Lady - "Gross Encounters of
a Different Kind"
10) Eric Rodenhieser - "What's In It
For Me?"
11) Carole Sponseller - "Not All is
Paper and Props"
12) Ed Edmunds - "Dark Thoughts from
the Planet"
13) Larry Kirchner - "Severed Ties"
1) Ricky Dick - "How to Find Good Actors"
2) Larry Kirchner - "Have Fun and Improve
Your Attraction"
3) Carole Sponseller - "Turning Grey
Matter into Green Money"
4) Ricky Dick - "New Product Reviews"
5) John Denley - "Interview with David
Bertolino: Owner of SpookyWorld"
6) Denny Dahm - "Make Your Own Squeaking
7) Rich Hanf - "The Association: Blessing
or Curse?"
8) Denny Dahm - "Propmaking: A How
To Guide"
9) John Denley - "Avoiding the Burnout"
1) Ricky Dick - "The Skeleton's Closet"
2) John Denley - "Deadly Beginnings"
3) Marc Brawner - "The Dead Center"
4) Larry Kirchner - "Scaring Up Some
5) Carole Sponseller - "Scream Scene"
6) John Denley - "Interview with Terror
on Church Street"
7) John Denley - "Unpleasant Dreams"
er} |